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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5

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13:00 do 20:00 + dle večerního programu

CT / Kostka Gallery / David Přilučík, Vojtěch Rada (CZ): Formative effects

Curator: Tereza Hrušková
Opening: 24. 9. 2015, 19:00

Exhibition duration:  24. 9. – 18. 10. 2015

While one group of modernists decided to change the world according to a premeditated pattern, others pursued quite an original journey. The work of Vojtěch Rada goes back to those artists who instead of the period uniformity chose the path of individual expression in the environment of their private homes. Within the architecture proposed by Bílek, Wittgenstein, Malaparte and Sutyagin, Vojtěch Rada inspects and removes striking building elements that become monuments of the artist’s thinking. Are we today, caught in the flux of all those things, still able to focus on a detail, a thing and its story?

A virtual character of work and the environment we move in is being mentioned ever more often. Do we realize though that things are real, despite their makers’ anonymity? And can it be that ‘perfect’ forms, made to be consumed, find their way into our present? This question is important also for the work of David Přílučík, who contemplates off-the-shelf prefabs, which we make our own in the end and which thus invade our intimacy. Also for this reason David Přílučík focused on long-term observation and documentation of his roommate’s table. A piece of furniture, whose impersonality is highlighted by the possibility of its perpetual multiplication, is the link to the thorough concreteness of the living man.

In his video Present, Perfect, Continuous David Přílučík aims more at the time passing by. The video’s name contrasts with the situation of already (pre-) designed interior equipment. Here we can ask the question, are the things we choose a way of defining ourselves? And is such a self-definition not doomed at the moment when the system itself within which we choose is already pre-programmed and its limits set?

Both artists, despite a seeming distance with which they re-use specific forms, try to get under their surface and touch upon something we can call the psychology of things. This is one reason why their joint installation highlights the body. Be it the viewer’s body or that of the things’ prime user, a body that remains present as the thing’s inseparable historical part.  

David Přílučík
(*1991) is a student of the Prague Academy of Visual Arts to receive his title this year. In his work he pursues video with increasing intensity. In it other areas of his interest penetrate, such as animation, an unsteady object and its photographic recording.

Vojtěch Rada
(*1991) within his current studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design and at the Academy of Visual Arts in Prague takes interest in mutual impact and overlapping of forms of an object and architecture. Lately he has also devoted himself to virtual objects and their relation to reality.


Contact and more information: 

Milan Palán - PR
+ 420 608 139 891

MeetFactory is supported in 2015 by a grant from the City of Prague amounting to 6.500.000 CZK.