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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5

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13:00 do 20:00 + dle večerního programu

Press Release / Gallery MeetFactory / Between the Walls

MEETFACTORY GALLERY presents the exhibition project  BETWEEN the WALLS

Exhibiting artists: 
Terry Smith (UK), Deok Yeoung Gim (KO), Hong Seon Jang (KO/US), Martin Dašek (CZ)
Curator: Zuzana Jakalová

Opening: 3.12. v 19.30, Exhibition duration: 4.12.2014 – 8.2.2015 

The exhibition project brings together four artists who, in their work, continuously engage with limits, both of architectural space and social and political spaces. The inspiration for the project is the notion of a wall in its abstracted outlines. The wall separates what is outside from what is inside; it sets boundaries, defines spaces; structures and determines the possibilities of what is going on in front, around or behind her. It never stands by itself, it is the relations with its surroundings that determine its identity. Anyhow, the image of the wall is dissolving throughout the exhibition; it is suggested within notions of limitations or physical barriers, cracks, newly discovered or newly created spaces, as well as within relationships among the artpieces themselves.

The work of British artist Terry Smith is a continuation of his extensive series of wallcuts, which he created on several spaces around the world, e.g. at the Tate Modern in London. American artist of Korean descent Hong Seon Jang, who in his work deals mainly with temporality of material and the cycle of creation and destruction, has created an extensive site-specific installation. Korean artist Deok Yeoung Gim explores the tension between the surface and internal structures of things and social phenomena. For the show, he prepared an installation-paraphrase of a postwar landscape. Czech artist Martin Dašek worked with the entrance to the gallery and prepared a site specific installation. Thus, four new large scale projects were created.

Open daily from 13 to 20 hodin. Voluntary admission fee.    

Contacts and more information:   

Christina Gigliotti - PR & Marketing, + 420 777 966 117
Zuzana Jakalová – Curator of the AiR Program,   + 420 776 232 924

MeetFactory is supported by a grant from the City of Prague amounting to 6.500.000 CZK for the year 2014.

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