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Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Poems From Which We Learned | at Display

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

30. 10. 19:00

Ivana Momčilović in conversation with John Hill

A poetics of knowledge thus is a practice of “indisciplinary” thinking. It refuses the specialization of the fields, objects and methods and the presupposition along with the separation between two kinds of intelligence. It starts from the presupposition of equality - Jacques Ranciere,"The Method of Equality: politics and poetics", Edicija Jugoslavija, 2015

Beside her revolutionary work it is less knows that Roza Luxemburg was smuggling and making her herbariums in prison. What may be subversiveness of sensorial act today and how to create a surprising lightnings of interrupting the omnipresent night, as herbarium in prison surprised prison guards?  What are the forms of collective intelligences,  "egalitarian sensoriums"* and liberated temporary territories today in the "world of ennemi"? How can we connect the common and the sensible? And revolt and sensible? What would be commun-ism of the sensible? Which role aesthetic (as) education may have in our lives? From alienated work as a holy abstraction omnipresent in Marx's meditations, which are the abstractions which influenced our emancipations?

Researching sensorial amateur experiences in every day life, film Poems from which we learned- fragments on self-learning in sensible and politics ", presents a 10 years sensible cinematic archive of experimentations of one group and platform  Phd In One Night- platform for aesthetic education for all, based in Brussels, Helsinki, Vis and working with Jacques Rancière and his ideas of equality and emancipation through aesthetics and indisciplinarity.

The film is based on almost forgotten documentation material of the collective’s experiments that has been gathered through a decade via various haphazard and dramaturgicaly prepared interventions, as well as materials from the history of film – therefore the whole material has, in its treatments and its use, the appearance of found footage.

Key words: aesthetic revolution, “poetics of knowledge”, aesthetic materialism, indisciplinarity, emancipation, equality

Film includes, among other,  fragment of Ranciere's " dance of hands", part of " Everyday dance" proposal by Liza Penkova, dancer and filmed by Nina De Vroome, film director.

Film will be presented by Ivana Momčilović, dramaturge and initiator/coordinator of PhD In One Night platform.

With participation in the open discussion on aesthetics and politics after the film of Josef Fulka (philosopher), Nick Nesbitt, (philosopher and professor of literature), Erik Roraback (philosopher focused on conceptual intersections between and among literature/philosophy and film), Ondřej Krochmalny (philosophy of surrealism), John Hill ( artist and educator) and Ivana Momčilović (dramaturge).

More about Course on Inexplicable/ Indisciplinary Symphony, by PhD In One Night


Research on indisciplinarity by collective PhD In One Night is a work in progress. PhD In One Night is a self-managed and self-financed artistic collective working on the forms of aesthetical education for all, since 2007. From collaboration with Political Science department and department for Critical History of Free University of Brussels ( ULB) with participation of 1200 students, its members worked in several educational institutions (Academy of Fine Arts Brussels and Helsinki, primary schools in Brussels, secondary school in Helsinki) as well with Afghan and Syrian migrants in Brussels and Belgrade. Last intervention: Course about the inexplicable / Indisciplinary Symphony in University of Arts Helsinki, as a collaboration between the three University of Art Helsinki schools (Academy of Fine Arts, Theatre Academy and Sibelius (Music) Academy) HIAP and PhD In One Night. Course was accessible for all degrees of education ( doctoral, BA and MA students) and had its public presentation in June 2019 in Oodi Library in Helsinki.


Ivana Momčilović is a dramaturge, poet, researcher, translator and editor based in Brussels. She studied at Academy of Dramatic Art in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1986-1991). Her work is focused on the displacement of philosophy and art in various spheres of everyday life Ivana Momčilović is actual resident in MeetFactory, Prague.

John Hill is an artist, organiser and educator based in Prague. He was a founding member of LuckyPDF and ran the education programme at Flat Time House, London. He is currently a graduate researcher at Liverpool John Moores University.


* Rancière on Vertov, Modern Times- published by Edicija Jugoslavija and MAMA, 2017

Dittrichova 337/9

foto: Beniamin Boar: Aesthetic/ Collective