MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5
Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program
1. 8.
The social event MeetFactory Soirée that is introducing the art dramaturgy of MeetFactory will take place on Wednesday, 1st August. Despite the reconstruction of the foyer, the program will be eventful and it introduces gallery and residency dramaturgies.
Viktor Dedek: Walking Speed, Table Height – opening
The exhibition project is the result of the international open call. It is based on dream space memory you can freely walk through and watch subjects from the different points of view and with different strong intensity. The shape and meaning of those subjects deform and gush like the memory of a misty dream.
Guided Tour: Stranger Than Paradise
The exhibition offers a presentation of artistic practices that emerged in a specific geopolitical frame of South East Europe in different temporal contexts. It will be lead by the curator of the exhibition Eva Riebová.
Mark Požlep: Stranger Than Paradise – performance/lecture
Seven songs, which dominated Yugoslav popular music in the 50s and 60s and soaked through one particular generation. The project is not only the story about Yugoslavia – it is most importantly a story about society and most intimate relations between people.
Open Studios
MeetFactory residents will open their studios to present their work.
… more program soon
6:00 PM Viktor Dedek: Walking Speed, Table Height – opening, Kostka Gallery
6:30 PM Stranger Than Paradise - gudied tour, MeetFactory Gallery
7:30 PM Mark Požlep: „Stranger Than Paradise“
8:30 PM New Dictionary of Old Ideas - project presentation
9:30 PM Oleksiy Radynski's films screening
9:30 PM DJ
8:30 Pepa Lubojacki
9:30 Sold Out Boy
7:30–12:00 open studios
Entrance: free