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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Cosmina Moroșan


Cosmina Moroșan (31.10.1989, Romania), poet, performer.
Her practice englobes literature, philosophy, experimental psychiatric approaches, technology and religion. Initially coming from a strictly philological background, the need of pluralisation and constant decontextualisation of her own discourse drove her to performative immersions interrogating normopath’s | controlling quotidian space. She tries, in the same time, to select or create proper mediums for dialogues / groups as deep transformative events/ processes. Intensity, multipolarity, community, mysticism are few of the terms mapping her interests at the moment.

In 2016, Cosmina began to collaborate with ODD Gallery (Bucharest), within KNOTS program, coordinated by Cristina Bogdan and Vlad Morariu, performing ESFORTZ, a lecture around ‘60s and ‘70s anti-psychiatry’s most disturbing and creative figures. In 2017, she published “Beatitudine (eseu politic)” (“Beatitudine, a political essay”), at Nemira Publishing House, winning “Best Young Poet of 2017 Award” and “Sofia Nădejde Award” for literature written by women. In 2018, she performed “Joy of Immanence” at Salonul de Proiecte (Bucharest), within Durational Life Theory, a two-weeks program coordinated by Adriana Gheorghe, bringing together artists active in performance with a different background (choreography, visual art, theory, literature). She works on a music album, mingling experimental trap beats with flashy lyrics, under the nickname Morfolina featuring Mircea Nicolae (artist and theoretician).

Since February 2018, Cosmina has been collaborating with Anticorp Solar in Autem (a music/poetry duo), among other performative projects. Since January 2019, she has become a member of the ODD’s newest collective experiment.


Graduated of Comparative Literature, Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; currently working on a PhD thesis on Gilles Deleuze.

Selected links about the work:

2017 - Autem performing live at ODD Nights, Tranzit, Bucharest

2017 - Durational Life Theory summons in Bucharest, for this two-weeks interval, artists active in performance with different background (choreography, visual art, theory, literature) that have at least two important reasons to be summoned together: they all escape determination and labels to the extent of even giving up humanity as spectators and performing for other species (Krõõt Juurak) and turn their subjectivities into performing strategies engaging them in a durational life theory choreography. What comes out is an encounter of aesthetic consciousness, cutting through discourses to their core intensity. It will be life and it will not be quite life, it will be durational and again not quite, it will be theory and not theory. Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest

2017 - contributing with “Peace and Technology. Michel Serres”, Bucharest, 31st October – 5th November 2017, By looking into the promises, aspirations and enchantment spurred over the last decade by the technological advancement while also questioning the disenchantment, discontentedness and anxieties caused by it, The Good Life seeks to uncover insights about the myriad ways technologies (digital and convergent) are reshaping our ideas about what it means to be human, live well and do good.

2017 - Brought by chance, 12 people will meet in a crossroad, in the Union Square, Bucharest. They will meet just once before working in a live action group performance. Several layers of possible intersections will occur, hopefully, as much as possible.

2016 - KNOTS, the display articulated at ODD, aims to construct a communicative situation, which is already entangled, disjunctive, double-bound, and in an impasse: in other words, problematic. Let us name the two instances of communication: the geo-cultural-politics of two spaces – improperly called Bucharest (via Paris) and London (via Copenhagen) – should talk to each other.

Stay of residency: 31. 1.–30. 4. 2019