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How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Hinda Weiss

Hinda Weiss is a Photographer and Video Artist based in Tel Aviv.

Weiss’s works consists of compositions of landscapes that are charged with local histories and the bodies that exist among them. Utilizing video and sound manipulation along with digital adaptation techniques,  she merges places and times into fictional but at the same time  very familiar environments. Contradictory to the “high-tech”, highly processed editing methods she uses, the way she collects her materials is simple and subtle: alone, with her small camera.

Weiss’s work has been exhibited in solo exhibitions, group exhibitions, and video screenings in venues such as the Israel Museum in Jerusalem and Palais de Tokyo in Paris. Weiss has received numerous awards and prizes, including the Outset Contemporary Art Fund Young International Artist Award (2015) and the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, Young Artist Award (2010).

The residency in MeetFactory is in 
collaboration with ArtPort Tel Aviv