MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5
Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program
Klára Čermáková (*1992) was born in Kladno. She lives and works in Prague. Her objects and installations are associated with permeable boundaries between the natural and artificial, body and technology, and, last but not least, art and science. Her semantic level is intuitive creating and designing, which are based on the material itself and the joy of its reshaping and exploring. She perceives art as a specific mean of communication which stresses the meaning of the unheeded imaginative and empathetic recognition. She questions the excessive emphasis on rational thinking and brings attention to the inability of the current society to truly perceive their environment. She is also interested in questions of boundaries of the current labor, social structures, and sustainable art praxis.
She attended the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM) in Prague between 2014 and 2020. She started in the Studio of Illustration and Graphics of Juraj Horváth but later continued in the Painting Studio of Jiří Černický and Michal Novotný. She also did an internship in the Sculpture Studio under the tutelage of Edith Jeřábková and Tomáš Uhnák.
Selected exhibitions:
2018 – QUIET CHAMBER, NOISY HEART, Holešovická Šachta Gallery, Prague
2018 – Comunite Pasta Fresca, Culture and Craft Centre ZNAK, Prague
2019 – Living Tent, FaVu Gallery, Brno
2019 – Teeth, FUD UJEP, Rampa Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
2019 – VDIFF, House of Arts Brno: House of the Lords of Kunštát, Brno
2019 – 4+4 dny v pohybu (4+4 days in movement) – Nevšechno exhibition, Desfours Palace, Prague
2019 – Adaptace na budoucnost (Adaption to the future), Fotopub Gallery, Ljubljana
2020 – Ruce (a jiné produkty práce) (Hands and other work products), UMPRUM, Prague
2021 – 28 th Mikulov Arts Symposium “Workshop”, Mikulov
2021 – 4+4 dny v pohybu – REALITY DO YOU NEED ME?, New School in Strašnice, Prague
2021 – X-tá vlna, n-tá dávka (X th Wave, N th dose) / KVU UMPRUM 2020, Technological Centre Mikulandská, Prague
Date of residence: 1. 2. 2022 –30. 6. 2022