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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Michał Łukaszuk

Michał Łukaszuk Michał Łukaszuk Michał Łukaszuk
Michał Łukaszuk (b. 1989, Poland) is a Cultural Studies graduate at the University of Warsaw, the author of the MA thesis entitled “Live. The phenomenon of liveness - anthropological, media and ethical problems”, which the Theatre Institute awarded the Sławomir Świontek Special Prize in the competition for the best MA thesis. He graduated with a specialisation in visual culture. As part of the Erasmus programme, he also studied at the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University in Prague. He did an internship at MeetFactory in Prague as part of an Erasmus scholarship. Scholarship holder of the Mayor of the City of Białystok. Collaborated with the Arsenal Gallery in Białystok, Theatre Academy in Białystok, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, Bęc Zmiana Foundation in Warsaw, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Academy of Arts Architecture & Design (UMPRUM) in Prague, Tęczowy Białystok, Grupa Granica. He has published in Wakat, Literatura na Świecie, Elewator. Cultural studies scholar, poet, and performer. He is interested in new media, real and virtual interweaving, performance theory, and visual culture.

2020 University of Warsaw
Institute of Polish Culture, Cultural Studies - Knowledge of culture.
Bachelor's degree, thesis title: The queer body of the hologram. Krzysztof Garbaczewski's new theatricality.
2023 University of Warsaw
Institute of Polish Culture, Cultural Studies - Knowledge of Culture.
Specialisation: visual culture.
Master's degree, thesis title: Live. The phenomenon of liveness - anthropological, media and ethical problems.
2022 Charles University in Prague, within the framework of Erasmus student exchange
Faculty of Humanities

2024 Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague
Lecture on queer art in Poland and the arts of people with disabilities. Introducing the key concepts of performance theory. 
2020 Arsenał Gallery Białystok
Curator of the exhibition “Theft and Destruction”
Artists: Agnieszka Brzeżańska, Rafał Bujnowski, Wanda Czełkowska, Dom Mody Limanka, Edward Dwurnik, Olga Dziubak, Jakub Gliński, Tomasz Machciński, Petr Pavlensky, Julia Poziomecka, Mariola Przyjemska, Karol Radziszewski, Daniel Rycharski, Dominika Święcicka, Julita Wójcik, Janek Zamoyski, Mirosław Bałka, Oskar Dawicki, Maciej Kurak, Robert Kuśmirowski, Zbigniew Libera, Piotr Łakomy, Anna Molska, Odili Donald Odita, Ewa Partum, Aleksandra Polisiewicz, Rewizja, Jacek Sempoliński, Janek Simon, Marek Sobczyk.
2021 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Perła & Wyjec TV
Author of the concept, realisation, performance, script, selection of texts, cooperation in editing and post-production of the multimedia project of a video tour in episodes through the exhibition "WWB: COŚ WSPÓLNEGO".

Date of residency: 10.05.2024 – 30.06.2024