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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Vincent Rumahloine

Vincent Rumahloine


Vincent Rumahloine (born in 1984,Tasikmalaya, Indonesia, grew up in Bandung).

After graduating from art school, he was teaching art at a high school and an elementary school until 2013.  At the same time he worked as a volunteer for the Rumah Cemara; an NGO that works with people who are HIV/AIDS positive and communities that are marginalized in Bandung. This experience gives him the opportunity to work with people from different communities. He did few public projects with the purpose was to bring people together using many different forms of activities such as food, group discussions, music and sports. His project is trying to create a bridge between marginalized communities and the public. In 2013 he formed a boxing gym for people with HIV, drug addicts and LGBTs, which opened for public in 2014. It become a safe space for people to interact through sports.  

In 2014 he became a full time artist and kicked off his Family Portrait Project by starting an independent residency program in one of the areas of Bandung. In 2017 he became a manager of a punk band for a year called JERUJI and completed a European tour performing in the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, France, and Belgium. Now he is working closely with an independent movement in Bandung with the special focus on music; not limiting himself to punk only, but engaging also with traditional, electronic, metal, or folk music. Recently, he got his own radio show in Bandung called Ego Talks, which is a special  program about the indie movement in Bandung.

His work is also responding to xenophobia and the way it creates gaps between communities. There is an Indonesian proverb that says “tak kenal maka tak sayang”, which means that we need to open up ourselves first before love can emerge. Through his projects he tries to offer the experience of being in a safe space that creates a common ground and the feeling of being in the moment without fear or prejudice. In his work with communities and institutions he tries to explore collective memories, archives, values, spaces, and social relations in order to find a common ground between people. His project is about combining many different kinds of space from different cultures into one activity that brings people together. The project is already being performed in Sweden and Ethiopia. In early 2018 he started his interdisciplinary collective learning class called Sanggar Seni Rupa Kontemporer that uses traditional way of teaching, unlearning, and learning usually used in the villages of Indonesia for traditional art.


BA, Ceramic Major, 2004–2009 Faculty of Arts, Bandung Institute Of Technology

Selected Exhibitions :

2021 – Jakarta Biennale “Esok”, Stovia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2019  Bandung Contemporary Art Award #6 , Lawang Wangi, Bandung, Indonesia
2018 – Manifesto 6.0 "Multipolar" National Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2017 – Gotong Royong “THINGS WE DO TOGETHER”, Central of Contemporary Art Ujazdowski,Warsaw, Poland
2017 – Resi ”PROVOKASI”, National Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

2017 – “Family Portrait Project 2 : Lodan, Tongkol, Kerapu” Kampung Lodan, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia
2015 – OFFM Public Art Panels, Frankfurt, Germany
2015 – “Family Portrait Project 1 : Pulosari” Lapangan Ujung, Pulosari, Bandung, Indonesia

Date of residency: 01.07.–31.07. 2022