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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

CT / Kostka Gallery / If only there were a place just quiet and bright, that also smelled good

Curator: Zuzana Jakalová
Opening: 3. 9., 7pm
Duration: 4. 9. 2015 – 20. 9. 2015    

For his solo show at Kostka Gallery, the artist and mathematician Mark von Rosenstiel has prepared a multi-dimensional environment, an all consuming installation elaborating the human internal experience against the background of technology and cultural history. A fundamental moment of the exhibition is a question: can we identify and control even the simplest idea without interpreting it through the lens of our personal perception or cultural predisposition?  

A philosophical explanation should probably follow an introduction like this. Or perhaps something anthropological. It might have even been a nice idea to contextualize the work within the framework of new media theories. Or maybe try theories of perception, or cognitive and behavioral theories? And when we're on the introduction – is it even possible to extract one idea without thinking of so many other things at the same time? Isn't this the exact moment - the moment when we decide to focus on a single idea - when it starts to become elusive, multilayered, uneasy, increasingly distant? Shouldn't we start with claryfying this? Perhaps at least a demonstration of how a wooden construction, a lot of neon tubes and a mountain of beeswax can have in common with how we are naming or distilling any singular phenomenon, thought, situation, moment in our lives would be helpful. How is this construction connected to how we identify our outside and inside worlds? Is it a metaphor? A symbol?  

Maybe, just maybe there might be a solution. Indstead of all of the questions and potential answers would it be possible to to stop the philosophical exercise and just experience the place? After all, it's a place so quiet and bright, which also smells good.  

Mark von Rosenstiel
(*1982) is a conceptual artists using mathematical algorithms that interact with and explore human relationships and emotions. Through feedback loops and technology he strives to reveal the middle ground people occupy -- the undeniably human place where truth is agonizingly close, but never touched.

--- Contact and more information: 

Zuzana Jakalová – kurátorka rezidenčního programu MeetFactory

+ 420 776 232 924  

Tereza Moravcová - PR

+ 420 608 212 548     

MeetFactory is supported in 2015 by a grant from the City of Prague amounting to 6.500.000 CZK.