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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Balthazar (BE) + Lohouse

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

26. 11. 20:30

The Belgian indie-rockers Balthazar have become a household name in Prague – after opening for Editors two years ago, they returned last year for a solo show and then again to headline the showcase festival Nouvelle Prague. This year, after releasing their third record “Thin Walls” produced by Ben Hillier (Blur, Depeche Mode) and Jason Cox (Gorillaz), the band is apparently in top form – the album gathers rave reviews, their shows are more wild and full of energy and after playing the summer festivals, Balthazar will tour Europe this autumn. The date of their Prague show is Thursday, November 26.

Balthazar will bring along another great Belgian find - the Geel-based electro-pop four-some Lohaus.

More info:

Vstupenky / Tickets:
250 Kč na / at (viz výše / see above)
250 Kč (+ případné poplatky) v jiných předprodejích / (+ fees if applicable) in other presales
350 Kč na místě / at the door 

Předprodeje / Presale:

Ticketpro, Ticketportal, a 

Koncert pořádá MeetFactory ve spolupráci s D Smack U Promotion. / Promoted by MeetFactory in cooperation with D Smack U Promotion.