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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

16 - 20 000 HZ

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

11. 4. - 24. 5. 2013

Exhibitiong artists: Martin Andersson (CH), Jana Babincová (CZ), Milan Guštar (CZ), Morgan O'Hara (US), Tom Kotik (CZ/US), Jan Krtička (CZ), Hanne Lippard (GB), Radio Lemurie (CZ), Matěj Smrkovský (CZ), Jiří Valoch (CZ), Tomáš Vaněk (CZ), Lenka Vítková (CZ), Zimoun (CHE) Curators: Daniel Vlček, Miloš Vojtěchovský

Exhibition architecture: Radim Labuda

Open daily 1 - 8 pm
The 16 - 20 000 Hz project presents a selection of visual and sound oriented tendencies in the Czech and international art scene. The exhibition confronts installations and objects with a diverse group of artists who, each in their own way, reflect the themes of complementarity and context of the phenomena of sound, visual image, space and time-based actions. As a metaphor, the exhibition can be perceived as an invitation to enter a sound labyrinth, built from apertures, echoes and sound interferences. The space of the gallery is intersected by different trajectories and remediation between image and sound. The exhibition presents graphical scores, textual artworks, kinetic and acoustic objects as well as interventions into the electromagnetic space and site-specific sound installations. The project is conceived as an intergenerational and inter-genre encounter. It features established artists who intensely investigate the acoustic side of visual art or its technical instruments (Morgan O'Hara, Jiří Valoch, Milan Guštar, Tomáš Vaněk) along with a younger generation of artists who approach the relation of sound, image and text from different positions (Jan Krtička, Matěj Smrkovský, Jana Babincová, Lenka Vítková, Tom Kotík, Hanne Lipard, Zimoun).

The architectonic solution by Radim Labuda deals with both the acoustic and visual parameters of the exhibition space. The particular works are assembled as parts of a variable music score. The exhibition is accompanied by an original catalogue in the form of 12" LP with a booklet containing texts by the theoreticians Jiří Valoch, Miloš Vojtěchovský and the curator of MeetFactory galleries Karina Kottová.

Exhibitions Texts: Press Release
Photos: Opening MFFB
Reviews: Czech Radio, FMZINE

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