MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5
Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program
31. 3.
The International Center for Contemporary Art MeetFactory together with the Hyper Wave Art Collective and Czech Centres are opening a new call for applications for a two-month residency in Taiwan for a Czech artist. Most of the residency will take place at Surfy Space in Luodong, with two weeks spent at Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei.
Hyper Wave Art Collective and the Surfy Space
Founded in 2022, Hyper Wave is a Taiwan-based international art collective composed of visual artists Hung Yu-Hao, Tsai Shih-Hsiang, Lin Szu-Ying, Chiu Chieh-Sen, Margot Guillemot, and curator Lai Pei-Chun. Named after the fluidity and unpredictability of contemporary art, Hyper Wave embraces experimentation and cultural exchange, fostering connections between local and international artistic communities. HyperWave manages two art spaces: Surfy Space in Yilan and Zhongshan Institute of Techno-Art in Taipei. Surfy Space, located in the heart of Luodong, is an artist residency that combines living and creation spaces, providing a serene environment for artists and curators to focus on contemporary art. The space is located near the Luodong Forestry Culture Park and other sites worth visiting.
Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei
Treasure Hill was named after the Buddhist temple which was established 300 years ago and is still part of the “village” until today. Occupying an area in Taipei's bustling Gongguan district, the modern-day Treasure Hill community now tops out at a height of 80 meters. The Artist Village was founded in 2001 by the Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs. For over two decades the Village hosted over 500 artists from more than 40 countries. It is a living environment with galleries, cafes and meeting spots surrounded by greenery.
The residency includes:
accommodation and studio space in a shared house in the city of Luodong for 1,5 month and accommodation with a studio space in a Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei for 2 weeks;
one time roundtrip transportation from the place of stay in the Czech Republic to Taipei in economy class flight and a round trip to the place of accommodation in Taiwan;
a monthly stipend of €700 in the local currency for expenses related to the residency;
curatorial support and involvement of the resident in cultural activities in Taipei and Luodong, such as exhibitions, open studios, performances, studio visits, etc.
Note: If the applicant is an artist duo, the accommodation, working studio, allowance, and production budget will be shared by both members. The living space is not ideal for small children.
Residency dates:
The residency will take place from 1 September to 31 October 2025 mainly in a shared house in Luodong (a city near and easy to reach from Taipei). During September the artist will spend 1-2 weeks in the Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei to get other connections and opportunities to meet artists and curators and present their work to other audiences.
The residency cannot be completed in multiple parts.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
be a citizen of the Czech Republic;
demonstrate professional experience in the practical implementation of artistic strategies for a minimum of 2 years (including completed solo and/or group exhibitions, public presentations, concerts, performances, publications...)
have completed their studies or not be studying during their stay;
have a good level of English;
be free from professional commitments for the duration of the stay.
The application, written in English, must include:
a portfolio of no more than 10 pages;
a motivation letter of no more than 1800 characters with a motivation for the residency, or a project proposal and an idea for its implementation, in particular with regard to how the residency can benefit the applicant's artistic practice.
Selection procedure:
The application will be reviewed by a committee composed of the curators of the MeetFactory residency program, representatives of Hyper Wave art collective and Czech Centres. The committee reserves the right to reject any project without giving reasons for its decision. The decision of the committee is final and cannot be appealed. The partner institutions reserve the right to suspend, shorten, extend or postpone.
The deadline for applications is 31 March 2025 inclusive. Applications sent after this date will not be accepted for the selection procedure. It is possible that the selection process will also include interviews with the preselected artists. The results of the call will be published no later than 30 April 2025 on the MeetFactory website:
Applications should be sent to the curators of the MeetFactory residency programme, Tereza Havelková and Kateřina Pencová, with a covering email in English to In the subject line please write "OPENCALL Taiwan 2025".