German-American artist couple Danielle de Picciotto and Alexander Hacke lives and works in Berlin. Since 2001 both jointly develop audio and visual performances to always be staged in a new artistic and musical manner. Their work is always unconventional, versatile and intercultural.
Thanks to their experiments their works complement one another in a very special way, thus creating new forms. And thanks to their versatile musical and artistic oeuvre both are true all-rounders.
In 2008 they initiated the performance “Das Narrenschiff” (“Ship of Fools”), being inspired by a satire Sebastian Brant wrote in 1458. Making use of oriental rhythms, cult symbols from the South Pacific region, American country music and bizarre elements reminiscent of funfair motifs, both Danielle de Picciotto and Alexander Hacke succeed in developing a truly individual form of expression. Deep bass frequencies, creaking metal, melancholic harbour sounds, aggressive riffs, and distorted sounds complement Alexander Hacke’s voice and Danielle de Picciotto’s mythical lyrics.
Program of the residency: