MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5
Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program
The Sustainable studio for food and bombs project seeks to find answers to the questions of how to eat and how not to guzzle. How to process the contents of a trash bin or what to do with mold when it makes you feel like throwing up. The main vision of this project is primarily a lexicon of spells, a cookbook, or maybe even a book of fairy tales, which would guide its reader through the feministic-ally, ecologically, and racially harmless food preparation process. Without any suffering. The group is formed by current residents Alex Sihelská, who deals with the possibilities of magical externalisation and expressions, Denisa Langrová, who is dedicated to defending animal rights, and in her video projects examines the feelings of an individual in the global crisis, and Marie Lukáčová, who is interested mainly in rap and pop culture gestures with strange narratives.
Date of residency: 15. 5.–15. 8. 2020