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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Gábor Kristóf (SK / HU)

Gábor Kristóf (SK / HU)

Gábor Kristóf was born in 1988 in Košice, Slovakia. He lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. Represented by Kisterem, Budapest.

Gábor Kristóf studied painting and intermedia at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts between 2008 and 2014, and at Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL London in 2011. Since 2018 working on his DLA research on colour standardization (supervisor: János Sugár) at HUFA, Budapest. He was a board member of the Studio of Young Artists Association between 2019-2021

Nominated for the Esterházy Art Award in 2019 and 2017 and for the ESSL Art Award CEE in 2013. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 he was one of the laureates of the Derkovits Prize for young emerging artists in Hungary. With the support of Visegrad Fund and Futura Prague he was in residency at Art in General, Brooklyn, NY in 2017 and in 2016 at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris.


2021 Chasing O, solo booth @ Vienna Contemporary with Kisterem, Vienna, AT
2021 Picnic on the Driving Range, Galeria Schemnitz, Bánská Štiavnica, SK
2019 Works from the gray zone, Liget Gallery, Budapest, HU
2019 Open due to Vacation, Kisterem, Budapest, HU
2019 Dust on a shelf, Galerie Kabinet T, Zlín, CZ
2017 Occam’s City, Labor BP, Budapest, HU
2016 Melting Point, Horizont Gallery, Budapest, HU
2015 Offsetting, Horizont Gallery, Budapest, HU
2015 Focus in Defocus, Labor Bp, Budapest, HU
2012 Multifilter, Löffler Gallery, Košice, SK
2012 Autoimmun, Ferencvárosi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény, Budapest, HU
2011 Temporarily Inside, Chelsea College of Art Project Space, London, GB


2020 Finally We Can Learn Something, Kincsem Palace by Kisterem, HU
2019 Exhibition of the Nominees for Esterhazy Art Award 2019, Ludwig Museum Budapest, HU
2019 Vienna Contemporary, Kisterem Gallery, AT
2019 Listing VIII., Kisterem Gallery, Budapest, HU
2019 SCOOTER IV - Action of Young Art, Ján Koniarek Gallery TRNAVA, SK
2018 Meanwhile in Painting, Budapest Gallery, HU
2018 Distracting modernity, Šopa Gallery, Košice, SK
2018 Where do we go from here?, 7.Symposium Lytomisl, Galerie Miroslav Kubík, CZ
2018 Future to be erased completely, Barcsay terem - MKE, Budapest, HU
2018 Time of our lives?, Modem, Debrecen, HU
2017 Salt, Kunsküche, Labor BP, Budapest, HU
2017 Save the last one for me, final show at Art in General, Artist in Residency program, Brooklyn, NY, US
2016 Interference, Trafó Gallery, Budapest, HU
2016 Discomfort on a tolerable degree, Povvera, Berlin, DE
2014 Revolution without Movement (with Miklós Mécs, Judit Fischer, András Zalavári),, Bratislava, SK
2014 Private Nationalism, Kunsthalle, Košice, SK

The Residency of Gábor Kristóf is supported by Visegrad Fund.

Date of residence: 1. 3. 2022 –31. 5. 2022