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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Jakub Hájek a František Hanousek

Working as a single entity, Jakub Hájek & František Hanousek (b. 1994 in Prague and Vimperk; both based in Prague) share a sense of foresight and synchronicity in their artistic practice. Co-authorship has never been merely a motive for them but rather a fundamental condition. It is the key to facing the challenges of the art industry, with its own materialist specifics. It is the constitutive element of reciprocity and friendship that helps them maintain their enthusiasm and motivation to remain engaged in artistic labour. Using different artistic languages—ranging from works on paper to complex installations—they create tiny connections between certain historical periods, all while preserving a poetic framework, which they refer to as “the universal industrial key drama, the transition from psychic woodiness to psychic metallicity.”

Date of residence: 1. 3. – 30. 5. 2025


The duo is focusing on finalizing the project to be presented at the Kostka Gallery, with the opening scheduled for April 30th during the Public House (Veřejný dům) event. As a result, the culmination of their residency will be an exhibition at MeetFactory.


2023    Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Czech Republic

2018    Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic


2024    AQB; Budapest, Hungary

2023    MORPHO; Antwerp, Belgium

2023    AB3 Pražírna; Prague, Czech Republic

2022    Future Suburban Contemporary; Copenhagen, Denmark

2021    42. Mezinárodní Malířské sympozium v Moravanoch nad Váhom, Slovakia

2021    Dálava Space; Prague, Czech Republic

2019    C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts, Dresden, Germany



2022    Wompty-Dompty Dom Center; Curated by Jens Ivar Kjetså; Future Suburban Contemporary; Copenhagen, Denmark

2021    Carnival of the rabble: dissolved destinies; Curated by Jan Gajdušek & Tereza Havlovicová; Holešovická šachta; Prague, Czech Republic

2020    Migraine Acuity; Curated by Lucy Freynhagen; C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts; Dresden, Germany



2024    Na úpatí zahrady; Curated by Marek Meduna; Kurzor; Prague, Czech Republic

2024    To The Bottom Of The Goblet; Curated by Ján Gajdušek; AQB Budapest, Hungary

2024    Cognitive Fuckfest; A.M. 180 gallery; Prague, Czech Republic

2024    Things That Knowledge Cannot Eat; Curated by Jiří Sirůček a Noemi Purkrábková; galerie Display; Prague, Czech Republic

2024    Winterbergovy Slzy; Knihovna Vimperk, Czech Republic

2024    There has to be smth in the room; Curated by Alžběta Čermáková; ACUD; Berlin, Germany

2023    Delving into Bone Liqour; Curated by Caroline Dumalin; Refactory; Antwerp, Belguim

2023    Everything but Lie; Curated by Tina Poliačková & Lumír Nykl; Klenová, Czech Republic

2022    Order of Sonic Chaos; Curated by Jonáš Gruska; Terén; Brno, Czech Republic

2021    Divoká Šárka (is still alive); Organized by David Přílučík, Sára Märc; Ruta Putramentaite; Prague, Czech Republic

2021    Sedlina, když naše fidli fidli nás provází; Curated by Adrian Altman; Dálava space; Prague, Czech Republic

2020    Hairy earthtongue, weeping toothcrust, fairy rings, Curated by Lukáš Hofmann, Futura; Prague, Czech Republic

2020    Wasting Around: Tradition in Verses; Curated by Nik Timková; Bistro 21 gallery; Leipzig, Germany

2019    Biedermeier Partygoers; Curated by Výstavní síň Hrob; Olomouc, Czech Republic

2019    Adrian Altman: Floor is Lava; Curator Nik Timková; City Surfer; Prague, Czech Republic

2019    The Hills Have Eyes; curated by Jakub Hošek a Nik Timková; Hot dock space project; Bratislava, Slovakia

All information is accurate as of 24 February, 2025


Main photo by Aurélie Bayad