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How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Kateřina Konvalinová

Kateřina Konvalinová (1991), born in Pardubice, now lives in Prague. Her work can be characterized as autobiographical fiction, based on personal experience and amateurish research of interpersonal / interspecies processes and relationships, seeing the personal as political. She focuses on the so-called small life revolutions (life changing experiences such as falling in love, first LSD experience or a bad trip, etc.), as well as on the physical and mental symptoms of our times (pain, anxiety, fatigue, depression) and on psychological-therapeutic tools such as cracks, which can be used to reassess the current situation and deconstruct the status quo. Video and performance are the yin and yang of her artistic practice.


In the years 2014-2020 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, at the studio of Intermedia Creation with Tomáš Vaňek, Jiří Skála and Jiří Kovanda. She completed a semester internship at the Prague DAMU, Department of Alternative and Puppet Theater, majoring in directing and dramaturgy, and a six-month internship at the Yogyakarta Institute of Art (Seni Institut Yogyakarta) in Indonesia, majoring in traditional dance.

Selected exhibitions:

2017 Baby don't hurt me. Galerie AVU, Prague
2017 Manifest lásky / Manifesto of love. City Surfer Office Gallery, Prague
2017 Ester Krumbachová: Sněžný muž - Nosit amulet - Zamotávat archiv /Snowman - Wearing an amulet - Tangle an archive. tranzitdisplay, Prague
2017 ADA - collaboration on a theatre performance. Venuše ve Švehlovce, Praha,
2018 Multilogues on Now: O zdraví, práci a emocích / About health, work and emotions. Gallery Display, Prague, Praha
2019 Santai. rezidence in INI Project, Prague
2019 Korektivní vztahy: Bad Trip. etc. / Corrective relationships: Bad Trip. etc. gallery, Praha

Dates of residency: 15. 5. – 15. 8. 2020