MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5
Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program
Kristián Németh (1983) was born in Dunajská Streda, he lives and works in Bratislava. In his work he repeatedly focuses on reflection and critique of the Christian Church operating in the environment of the 21st century democracy; on its inner mechanisms and paradoxes, its secretiveness, unconfessed sins of those who officially represent it and the state of injustice of those affected by these actions.
Through the reflections of his own experience with the criticized institution, Kristián Németh heads towards ideological abstraction and generalization. By the use of various media (photography, video, object, installation, performance), he thematises a flexion/deformation of the Christian Church (or, more generally, democratic) principles in a free society and its impact on various “objects” (bodies, individual and collective thinking, actions, relationships, institutional practice, etc.) that are affected by this action.
His aim is to reflect the complexity of the main theme by the use of concise and subtle representations, while avoiding ideological simplification. The resulting disturbing statements are relieved of escalated expressivity, while forming a space for dialogue without anger and desire to humiliate the opponent - the dialogue that is based on a sensitive but critical perception of the reflected phenomena.
In 2020, Kristian Németh was nominated along with other finalists for the Oskar Čepan Award.
Between 2008 and 2014, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, at the intermedia studio IN of Ilona Németh, where he finished his MA studies.Curently he is finishing his doctoral sudy at the intermedia studio www of Martin Piaček.
Selected exhibitions:
Warm Greetings – Fait Gallery, Brno /CZ/, curator: Michal Stolárik
Exhibition of the finalists of Oskar Cepan Award - New Synagogue, Žilina /SR/, curator: Viktor Čech, Lucia Gavulová
Antroporary - Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava /SK/, curator: Michal Stolárik
Monument of possible fall - At Home Gallery, Šamorín /SK/, curator: Michal Stolárik
Reflect what you are - Czech Center New York, New York /USA/, curator: Thomas Beachdel, Márie Tomanová
THE VERY FIRST TIME - ABC Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia /SK/, curator: Gabriela Smetanová
NEW MEMBERS OF SYAA PART 2 - Studio Gallery, Budapest /HU/
IN THE NAME. - Šopa Gallery, Košice /SK/, curator: Miroslav Kleban
NO BEGINNING NO END - At Home Gallery, Šamorín /SK/, curator: Ľuboš Lehocký
6TH THESSALONIKI BIENNALE OF CONTEMPORARY ART - Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki /GR/
FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN - NTK Gallery, Praha /CZ/, curator: Lenka Kukurová
IN THE NAME. - HotDock Gallery, Bratislava /SK/, curator: Ľuboš Lehocký
ART LAGUNA PRIZE - Arsenal, Venice /IT/, curator: Igor Zanti
FRAGILE - At Home Gallery, Šamorín /SK/, curator: Ľubos Lehocký
DIVERSITY OF VOICES - Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg /AT/, curator: Viktoria Calvo-Tomek, Clara Brandstatter
4TH MOSCOW BIENNALE FOR YOUNG ART - Museum of Moscow, Moscow /RU/, curator: David Elliott
DIVERSITY REQUIRED - SNG, Bratislava /SR/, curator: Lucia G. Stachová, Viera Kleinová, Alexandra Tamásová