MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5
Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program
Lucie Rosenfeldová (1986) was born in Uherský Brod, the Czech Republic and today lives and works in Prague, the Czech Republic. The center of the author 's practice is mainly the medium of experimental documentary video, in which she uses elements of autobiography, while the work on film is accompanied by research. She believes that she is able to demonstrate more sensitively her critical approach at specific situations and experience, and most importantly, better look into the stereotypes. The starting points for the author's new work are various situations conflict between what we have been told the world should work, and our different experience. Rosenfeld's recent projects Pieces of Anesthesia [Kousky anestezie] and Unrest of His Own Relationship [Nepokoje vlastního vztahu] relates to the themes about bringing and changing the nature of the relationship between representation and the body. The author also participates in various group projects, currently the research The Right to an Image [Právo na obraz] with Matěj Pavlík.
Lucie Rosenfeldová studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, in the beginning at the atelier of paintings by Jiří Černický, then in the sculpture studio of Dominika Langa and Edith Jeřábková, where she has graduated in 2017. During her studies, she was a member of the group called Atelier without a Leader.
Solo exhibitions:
I Don't Think I Can Be Anyone Now, Deniska, Olomouc
Images that can resist [Obrazy, které mohou klást odpor] (with Maria Lukáčová and Matěj Pavlík), GAMU, Prague
Oh, My Own ?, Plato, Ostrava
Auditorium [Hlediště] (with Alžběta Bačíková), INI, Prague
Own riots [Nepokoje vlastního], Etc., Prague
Living with Ghosts [Žít s duchy] (with Matěj Pavlík), Jelení, Prague
In the body of the interface [V těle rozhraní], Tvar, Brno
Open Call (with Martina Smutný and Alžběta Bačíková), UM, Prague 2015
Group exhibitions:
Resist like a forest [Vzdoruj jako les], LES symposium, Písečná
Inhabitated, DUÚL, Ústí nad Labem 2019
Icons and Mythologies - Desire for Changes, GAMU, Praha
Making Oddkin, Nisyros, Greece.
Promise and the Self, Photographer Festival, Prague
ESTER KRUMBACHOVÁ: The Snowman - Wearing an Amulet - Tangle the Archive [Sněžný muž - Nosit amulet - Zamotávat archiv], Transit, Prague
4 + 4 days in motion [4 + 4 dny v pohybu], Prague
Other visions [Jiné vize], PAF, Olomouc
Against Nature, National Gallery, Prague
Generation Smart, NTK, Prague
Graphologists, narrators, authors and producers [Grafomaniaci, vypravěči, autoři a producenti], Etc, Prague
Subversive Tactics, Czech Center, New York
Language lessons, open theater, Innsbruck
Seventh Zlín Youth Salon [Sedmý zlínský salon mladých], Zlín
2016 The main prize of the festival Other Visions PAF, Olomouc
2015 Special Jury Award Seventh Zlín Youth Salon, Zlín
The residency is in the cooperation with Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice
Date of residency: 1.5.2021 – 30.6.2021