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How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Martin Pondělíček

Martin Pondělíček was born in Central Bohemia in 1992. He oscillates not only between Prague and his hometown of Hořovice, but also between art and design. The centrepiece of his art praxis is time, which is stretched and slowed down in Martin’s works. So far never running out of patience, he multiplies the details into carefully created pieces tirelessly. He works his way from fragile paintings to soft knitting and even metal objects. Nowadays, however, he focuses on embroidery, especially in combination with glass pearls. At the weekend, he devotes himself to tinsmithing.
He graduated from the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague (2013–2016) and later from the Intermedia Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague under the tutelage of Milena Dopitová. He even attended the New Media II Studio under the tutelage of Kateřina Olivová and Darina Alster for a semester and the Textile Studio of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague under the tutelage of Jitka Škopová for a whole year. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 2021 and is starting his doctoral studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, returning to the Textile Studio.
Group exhibitions:
2022 – Lidé jsou křehké bytosti, ale měkké cíle (People are fragile beings, but soft targets), Pragovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2022 – Nevšední všednosti (Common uncommon), Vysočina Regional Gallery, Jihlava, Czech Republic
2021 – Všechno bylo vždycky lepší (Everything has always been better), City Gallery of Pardubice (GAMPA), Pardubice, Czech Republic
2020 – Juxtaposition, Photoport Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2019 – Národní poklad, české řemeslo je zde (National treasure, Czech handcraft is here), Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Date of residence: 05. 10. 2022 –15. 12. 2022