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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
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13:00 do 20:00 + dle večerního programu

CT / Kostka Gallery / ULTRA HIGH TURBA TURBO III (background noise)

ULTRA HIGH TURBA TURBO III (background noise)  

Curator: Zuzana Jakalová

Opening: 11 June 2016, 8 p.m.
Exhibition duration: 11 June – 20 July 2016
Artist: Iza Tarasewicz  

Chaos might be the last thing that comes to one‘s mind when looking at the peacefully hanging metal rings of TURBA, TURBO, an installation by Iza Tarasewicz, this modular system is nevertheless inspired by it. Originally a tunnel-shaped object built from several dozen circular frames joined together by the use of metal plates, TURBA, TURBO could formally be understood as a younger and apparently more relaxed brother of the Large Hadron Collider, the largest scientific construction in the world. Located near Geneva, it represents decades of research in nuclear and quantum physics. Yet another association for Tarasewicz is the reminiscence of the formal vocabulary of TURBA, TURBO of a modernist flower stand.

But TURBA, TURBO is more than a formal reconstruction of the Hadron Collider. It is a metaphor of liaisons between peace and unrest, change and stability. It is a platform for thinking through possible relations between parts and a whole. An installation which considers collisions to be positive moments of change, ones that trigger a string of imaginative turbulences.

For the exhibition in Kostka Gallery, Tarasewicz decided to continue her research on the possibilities provided by the modularity of the object. ULTRA HIGH TURBA TURBO III(background noise) in the above-mentioned sence becomes an imaginative quest for something we do not understand, but are fascinated by immensely. It is a creative game, an attempt to find unproven relationships towards the object. ULTRA HIGH TURBA TURBO III (background noise) is a desire to re-think itself in different circumstances, to understand it anew, to fill it with new content.

As a method of relating to TURBA, TURBO, Tarasewicz and her colleague – musician, climber and tree healer Gustaw Gliwiński – deflect from cognitive interpretations of the object. Through conscious deconstruction of the rigid tunnel structure and intuitive use of the gallery space, ULTRA HIGH TURBA TURBO III (background noise) becomes an experimental musical instrument of chaos, a scene for collision of experience and rationality, an organic fluid map of potentialities.

The live performance of Izy Tarasewicz and Gustaw Gliwiński will take place on June 11 at 8 p.m. during the Prague Museum Night.  

The residency and exhibition of Iza Tarasewicz in Kostka Gallery are supported by the International Visegrad Fund and by Polish Institute in Prague.

Open daily 1 – 8 pm and according to the evening program. Voluntary admission fee.


Contact and more information: 

Zuzana Jakalová → curator of MeetFactory AiR programme
+ 420 776 232 924   

 is supported in 2016 by a grant from the City of Prague amounting to 10.000.000 CZK.