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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5

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13:00 do 20:00 + dle večerního programu

Anabela Žigová

Narodená v roku 1974 v Bratislave, Anabela Žigová dnesžije a tvorí prevažne v New Yorku.
Jej práca s objektom, ktorý má súvislosti s telom, performanciou/videom sa postupne vyvinula smerom k tvorbe filmových štruktúr a filmov. Dôležitý v tejto práci je samotný proces, akým film vzniká a jeho možnosti presahujúce príbeh, psychológiu, vizuálne stereotypy, analytický spôsob vnímania a koncepčné myslenie. 

V Meetfactory planuje pracovat na filme Salto Mortale, ktory skúma „systém mlčania“ a dilemu dnešnej mladej generácie Slovákov ohľadne komunistickej minulosti. Projekt dokumentuje aj proces vyrovnávania sa ľudí so zisteniami, že spolupracovníkmi ŠtB boli aj príslušníci ich vlastnej rodiny alebo blízki priatelia. Film podporil Audiovizualny Fond v Bratislave, Nadácia INTENDA, Tranzit, Erste, Museum’s Quarter a je realizovaný v koprodukcii sÚstavom Pamäte Národa v Bratislave. Prvý strih uviedlo NYU vrámci Worskhopu v Center of European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University.
Anabela Žigová vyštudovala VŠMU v Bratislave a Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts v Paríži. Studovala na filmovom oddelení School of Visual Arts v New Yorku s podporou Louis Vuitton – Moet Henessy Study Exchange Grantu.
 V roku 2008 bola visiting scholar na oddelení Sociológie John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY v New Yorku.

Her art work has been previously shown at numerous shows including the Exit Art gallery in New York, Pulse Contemporary Art Fair NYC (Gallery Space), Dresden Kunsthalle in Germany, the gallery of Cite des Arts in Paris where she was also an artist-in residence, the Paris Project Room, O’artoteca in Milan where she was an artist in residency, gallery MXM in Prague, the Slovak National Gallery, Gallery HIT in Bratislava and many others.

Her feature length film project TODAY INSIDE OUT was presented as a work in progress at Columbia University in 2006 and as a solo show in Paris. This project has also been invited for collaboration with the Sociology Department John Jay College of Criminal Justice at City University of New York City. This film project is generously supported by several development grants and development funding by an Academy Award winning Executive Producer.Anabela Zigova has participated in collaborative artists’ practice: projects include  "Local Operations" at the Serpentine Gallery in London and “ETC Series” at Andrew Krepps Gallery in New York. She has also participated at BRIC Arts / Rotunda Gallery Video Residency in Brooklyn. Anabela Zigova was awarded a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Paris and an M.A. from the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava. She also studied Film and Video at the School of Visual Arts in New York with the support of a Luis Vuitton Moet Hennesy Study Grant. Anabela Zigova was a visiting scholar at the Sociology Department of John Jay College of Criminal Justice-City University of New York, in 2007-2008.

    Akce rezidenta

    Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory
    Anabela Žigová (SK): Filmy

    19. 12. 2013čt20.00

    Akce rezidentů

    Anabela Žigová (SK): Filmy

    Prezentace prací rezidentky MeetFactory