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How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Giegling (DE)

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

11. 3. - 15. 3. 2019

When we started we just wanted to be together and create a space that we would love to find somewhere. One of those secret doors that you enter sometimes and that shows you a world that you have always been looking for. A space where you can be yourself with all your mistakes and weaknesses. A world where people believe in and take care of each other no matter where they come from or what they look like. A place where everyone will get a chance and that can heal you from your fears. Something very rare and fragile, another perspective, a way to love and share in the most honest way, a collective dream that everyone can build together. Another reality that you enter and think "oh this is how it could be“. After ten years we feel it's time to open up and let you all in; show you what we learned on our
journey and of course learn from you what we haven't learned yet.

With a lot of help we prepared:
10 weeks in 10 cities.
New formats
More time to hang out
also party
and soup
Everybody welcome

and then here is the program:

Monday: 2D Unity
This is a workshop format that invites you, to have a look into our work and participate in our regular
We wanna share our methods and know-how to draw our posters with you, sketch some installation
ideas for the events and work on the future giegling record sleeve designs.

Tuesday: Songs X Soups
We would like to invite you to the giegling pop-up restaurant.
In this restaurant we will cook together.
Please bring one ingredient and one song that you would like to hear during dinner.

Wednesday: Collective Sketching
This night should be a platform to share perspectives, knowledge, know-how, insights, visions, opinions and critiques. To brainstorm together towards a constructive, positive vision, on how to support and enable each other to get involved and to create an inclusive world you want to find. A collective sketch of an utopia. After 10 years of growing as a collective we find ourselves confronted with issues that are bigger than us. We became part of a discussion to which we don't have an answer besides to open up ourselves and listen. Because we completely see the necessity of dialogue and believe it's good that awareness and visibility are created.

Our method was always to enable the best in each other in a safe environment. Safe in a very protected form, so it was possible to share all those fragile dreams. Now it is time for us to open up and create a bigger frame.
We are here to learn and to grow. Let's grow together.

Thursday: Transforming Hierarchies
A concert night dedicated to the interaction between the audio and the visual, the performer and the audience. Could our paradigms shift through self-awareness of ones perception?

Line-up Thursday:

Birds & Tapes LIVE
Edward LIVE
Leafar Legov LIVE
Otto Hernandez

Line-up The Happy Birthday Party:
Edward LIVE
Leafar Legov LIVE
Map.ache LIVE
Nikol Štrobach aka Kukla LIVE
Sateq LIVE
Herr Koreander
Steffen Bennemann

Afterparty at Ankali from 4:00 AM:

DJ Dustin

Exclusively via
450 CZK at the door on 15th March 

Promoted by MeetFactory, o. p. s.