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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program


Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

1. 9. - 18. 9. 2011

Vystavující: David Černý (CZ),Vernisáž 1.9. 2011 v 18:00 
Kurátor: Dušan Zahoranský Nepřehlédnutelný domácí autor svými velkorysými realizacemi ve veřejném prostoru od 90. let, vytváří trefné - karikující PROSTOROVÉ ZNAČKY jakési LOGA V SOŠE české porevoluční společnosti. Kulturní, politické a lidské slabosti jsou i v jeho nejaktuálnější realizaci podrobeny nemilosrdnému komentáři. Překvapivý je však tentokrát osobnější a názorově skutečně “dospělý” statement tohoto věčného dítěte “enfant terrible” domácí výtvarné scény. Pro Galerii Kostka připravil reinstalaci svého nového monumentální figurálního sousoší.

THE FREEDOM Artist: David Cerny (CZ) Curator: Dusan Zahoranský                   In the field of sculpture, respectively figurative sculpture in public space there is not a lot of interesting things happening here right now. Pathological overproduction of works of art in a socialist era has successfully decimated creative collaboration of investors, artists and architects.                 Twenty years after the Velvet Revolution in Prague, with the exception of the interior of the National Technical Library (creative concept for investors was prepared by the association p.a.s.; implemented by renowned Romanian author Dan Perjovschi), and subtle and reverent place under Nusle Bridge by Krištof Kintera (Memento Mori, 2011), are inspiring artworks in public space rare.                David Černý as one of the few artists managed to stay in the city. With a team of collaborators he has created several important artistic Prague´s landmarks. They function as a non-verbally commentary on the ups and downs of the transforming central Europe. ("QUO VADIS" (1991) - currently installed in the garden of the Embassy of FRG, "Babies" (1995) - Žižkov TV Tower, Kampa Park, "Horse" (1999) - passage Lucerna Palace.)                 The absence of visual forms in architecture is not only caused by lack of the creators. It might be evident from the Černý´s generous realization abroad. "Metalmorphosis" (Charlotte, USA 2007) is 9 meters high kinetic fountain. Sophisticated mechanisms inside the sculpture rotate with about 40 horizontal slices of a human head. They create vivid spatial game with a face´s profile. Contours are randomly disassembled and re-formed back to a solid face. In Poznan (Poland) the other dynamic figural composition "Golem" (2010) is permanently placed. Body shell is horizontally fragmented - this time into three phases. They strongly evoke movement (walking). Moved parts also function as a self-supporting structure. Similarly, the actual statue of David Černý THE FREEDOM, was also designed for public space. Author has installed it in Krakow festival ArtBoom (Matejki Square; 6.10 - June 24, 2011).                 Relationship between movement and the human body shell is repeatedly emphasized by Černý´s  last "non-political" sculptures. Internal consistency of human beings; that what it determines; shapes and then paradoxically decimates, is fully materialized in Černý´s recent art piece.                 Cube Gallery with its industrial character and disposition fits more with generous spatial visions. THE FREEDOM proportionally and formally belongs here. The author, who is also on its own will, primarily known as a devious "enfant terrible", has option to present himself as mature and serious-minded sculptor.                 I write about a colleague that from time to time upsets me (as many others) with his excessive, sometimes more sometimes less meaningful provocations. I highly appreciate his unbridled creative energy. I know work of David Černý much longer than the author personally. From that short acquaintance I am sure that he definitely does not pretend his role of an "eccentric maverick". It is not always pleasant even for him, but it's the engine that drives him into new and more adventures projects. For THE FREEDOM – even the freedom to provoke – someone has to pay. First, it is necessary to gain it, than maintain and even then to meaningfully handle it. Installation THE FREEDOM is for me a signal that the author - aware of his own influence - is trying just about to do the last and most difficult step.  

MeetFactory is supported by the capital city of Prague.

MeetFactory Gallery is supported by the Czech Ministry of Culture.

  PR: Václava Parkánová   Open daily: 1 – 8 PM