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How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

The Prostitutes (CZ) + Apollinaire (CZ)

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

1. 12. 20:00

The Prostitues recorded new album “Zum Passer” during their session at the Smuggler’s Inn (Zum Passer) in Krušné hory mountains. It compiles the contradictory atmosphere of the woods, metal mines and labour camps in the rawest and least "poppy" album of the band. The recording session was originally supposed to be an experiment and kind of a farewell to each other before a planned break but the band decided to release it as a full album.  

The guitarist Martin Přikryl is the connection between the two bands of this night. Apollinaire was originally meant to be his solo electronic project. He was later joined by vocalist Zdeněk Lichnovský and they added a synth player and
female vocalist Tereza Vytisková in the lineup to achieve the complex synth sound. Drums and programing overtook Petr Matoušek and the transformation from a project to a band was complete. The typical signs of the band are Tereza’s and Zdeněk’s duets, massive synth layers and even strong guitar riffs. Meetfactory will witness the release party of an album about Prague's late night and early morning life called “Nocturne".        

Singer/songwriter Lukas Landa will be a perfect warm up to the whole party. He will introduce a new single and a forthcoming album in his electro folk live set. You can expect Drumax a Vidras the resident DJs of the successful Beats.PM project to burn the roof down with their afterparty set.