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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Andrzej Wasilewski

Andrzej WasilewskiAndrzej WasilewskiAndrzej Wasilewski

Born in 1975 in Torun (Poland), he lives in Poznan (Poland), works in Szczecin (Poland) (Academy of Art). Graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland), the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2000.

Andrzej Wasilewski constructs electronic objects/installations, creates video-generated and painted images and designs, and records sounds. In the past 15 years of his creative work, he has built dozens of complex objects and electrical installations, from classic DIY structures to primitive creations to internet-derived models to programmable digital design. A landmark of Wasilewski’s art is its technological form (systems composed of many cables, display mechanisms), conveying humanistic essence with the moral message (political, social, ecological, catastrophic). In such constructed transmission, the aesthetics of global culture – both mass and niche – constitutes an inevitable part. Omnipresent pop culture, remade and placed in a new way, in Wasilewski’s works takes on a sinister dimension. It also triggers artist’s auto-reflection, an artist, who, in almost every work, asks questions about the point of artistic work, ‘paintings’ reduplication and creative replication. That is why, his realizations are always extremely personal, what together with their cultural and theoretical background constitutes a complex, auto-ironical when interpreted, but at the same time formally effective art. In Wasilewski’s works this deconstruction puts on a form of fake mask of the circle of Western Civilization, which the author tears off. The artist traces its falsifications through the quotations from the official media iconography and different fields such as high culture or politically correct media, negated or ignored (video games, subcultures aesthetics, anarchy). Very often all those themes fulfill each other, creating a multileveled story about the modern world.

selected exhibitions:
2018 Uncanny Valleys of a Possible Future, The CTM Festival 2018, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin
2017 Фестивалю аудіовізуального мистецтва ТЕТРАМАТИКА, Lviv (Ukraine)
Osmosis Audiovisual Media Festival, Korner, Taipei (Taiwan)
Nakanojo Biennale Symbiosis, Nakanojo (Japan)
No means no. Sound sacrilegious actions, XX1 Gallery, Warsaw (Poland)
2016 Narrations Festival #8 Kingdom, Bishop hill district, Gdank (Poland) Mediations Biennale Fundamental, National Museum, Poznan (Poland) Anarchy and New Art. Contenary of Dada, Center of Polish Sculpture, Oronsko (Poland)
2015 State of Life. Polish Contemporary Art within a Global Circumstance, National Art Museum of China, Beijing (China)
2014 The Silence of Marcel Duchamp Is Overrated, part 2 of the Arena exhibition, Center of Contemporary Art, Torun (Poland)


Financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the framework of Multiannual Programme “NIEPODLEGŁA na 2017-2021” and the Cultural Bridges Grant Programme of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.