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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Hubert Gromny

Hubert Gromny is an artist, writer, researcher and curator. His current practice is constructed on the intersection of image-making, text writing, storytelling, durational performance, theoretical research, and methodologies of listening. The practice is informed by decolonial theory and critical race theory, which pose questions of how these perspectives are to be listened to and how do they resonate with the land in the context of Eastern-Europan subjectivity.

Drawing from Tina M. Campt proposal of listening to images, as a methodology of engaging with visual archives, Hubert Gromny attempts to create a method of listening to the place by usage of analogue camera. The yester-century technology of image making becomes a device of the transposition of the sonic to the visual, of the visual to the narrative and of the intelligible to the visceral. Chemical qualities of analogue photography constitutes an obscure technology of retrieving the un-archival stories and searching for the resonance within the elemental and mineral materiality of the soil.

The practices is premised on the quest of the deacceleration of hegemonic mode of being human by opening for forms of knowing, which desert transparency and non-affectability of white subject emphasising the opacity of experience and relationality of knowledge instead. The notion of living the dead is a guiding concept for current practice of Hubert Gromny, to the extend it acknowledges the presence of the dead within materiality of quotidian reality and allows to re-narrate subjectivity through abandoning sequentiality of time and separability of the space.

2019-2021: MA in Art Praxis, Dutch Art Insitute (DAI), ArtEZ University of Arts, Arnhem, Netherlands.
2009-2015: MA in Fine Arts, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Poland.
2012-2015: BA in philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.

Artworks in public collections:
2014 Crystal Skulls are Modern Fakes? (with Xavery Wolski), collection of Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow.

Selected individual exhibitions:
2016 Work B**ch, F.A.I.T. Gallery, Cracow.
2015 Surplus/Surplus, SM Dębniki Gallery, Cracow.
2014 Crystal Skulls are Modern Fakes? (with Xavery Wolski), Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunkier Sztuki and Archeological Museum, curated by Anna Lebensztejn, Cracow.
2013 NGC5474, The Wild Blue Yonder, (with Spirala Group) Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunkier Sztuki, curated by Ewa Tatar, Cracow.

2014 Freshzone, Artboom Festival of Art in Public Spaces, Cracow.

Selected group exhibitions:
2020 Vor/Wiosna, curated by: Wiola Ujazdowska, Menningarmiðstöð Fljótsdalshéraðs, Egilsstaðir, Iceland.
2019 Ágústkvöld, curated by Ragnheiður Sigurðardóttir Bjarnarson and Wiola Ujazdowska, Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum and Midpunkt Gallery, Kópavogur.
2019 Skurðpunktur, curated by Thomas Pausz and Erik Deluca, Design March, Reykjavík.
2018 Forms of Life, curated by Thomas Pausz, Nordic House, Reykjavík.
2018 Pozdrowienia ze stolicy, curated by Piotr Policht and Magda Robaszkiewicz, The Museum of the Origins of the Polish State, Gniezno, Poland.
2018 Double Tap, Poznań Art Week, Poznań, Poland.
2018 What we do in the shadows, curated by Magdalena Lazar, Widna Gallery, Cracow.
2017 Śmiechu Warte, curated by Aurelia Nowak and Tomek Pawłowski, Zona Sztuki Aktualnej, Szczecin, Poland.
2016 Intermarium, curated by Łukasz Białkowski and Piotr Sikora, BWA Sokół Gallery of
Contemporary Art, Nowy Sącz, Poland.
2015 Wsiosko, curated by Piotr Sikora, Rydlówka—Department of Historical Museum of Cracow City, Cracow.
2013 On the Road/Unterwegs, Consulate General of Germany, Cracow.

Educational projects:
2017 Art&Politics: a Reading Circle, Andrými—Radical Social Space, Iðno, Reykjavík.
2017 Popular Culture Against Fascism: a Reading Group (with Aneta Rostkowska and Jan Sowa), Akademie der Künste der Welt, Cologne, Germany.
2015 After Capitalism: a Reading Group (with Ewa Drygalska, Michał Gulik, Anna Marjankowska, Aneta Rostkowska), Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow.

Curated exhibitions:
2021 Community of Sentient Beings, group exhibition, Hafnarborg Museum, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. Together with Wiola Ujazdowska.
2020 Inclusive Public Spaces, series of artistic interventions in the library and publication, Reykjavík City Library, Reykjavík.
2019 ÚTHVERFI+, group exhibiton, Borgabókasafnið | Menningarhús Gerðurbergi, Reykjavík. Together with Aðalheiður Valgeirsdóttir and Aldís Arnardóttir.
2019 Republic of Wooden Ceilings, individual exhibition of Wiola Ujazdowska, Borgabókasafnið | Menningarhús Gerðurbergi, Reykjavík.
2018 Punto Ciego/Blind Point, individual exhibition of Yanina Pelle, La Quiñonera, Mexico City.
2018 Maleza: Roza, Quema y Tumba, group exhibition of Maleza Collective, La Quiñonera, Mexico City. Together with Michelle Sáenz Burrola and Santiago del Conde.
2017 The Promise of Success, individual exhibition of Olga Kowalska, Galeria Studio, Warsaw.
2015 When You Are Asleep, individual exhibition of Volodymyr Kuznetsov, F.A.I.T. Gallery, Cracow.
2015 House, Home, Domestication. House Opening, individual exhibition of Małgorzata Markiewicz, F.A.I.T. Gallery, Cracow.
2013 Zbiornik Kultury program of exhibitions and events, Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunkier Sztuki, Małopolskie Ogrody Sztuki (MOS) and Małopolski Insitute of Culture (MIK), Cracow. Together with Piotr Sikora and Spirala Group.

Conference talks:
2020 “Sylvia Wynter and Narrative Concept of the Human,” performative-talk, Hugarflug Conference, Iceland University of the Arts. Reykjavík.
2016 “The Promise of Aesthetics and Constitution of Radical Future,” International Conference: Accelerationism and Radical Future, Jagiellonian University, Cracow.

Academic papers:
2016 “Emancipatory Critique and Algorithmic Everyday.” Kultura Współczesna/Contemporary Culture 90, no.2 (2016). National Center of Culture, Warsaw.
2016 “Dark Matter as a Perspective for Political Economy of Art.” Przegląd Kulturoznawczy/Cultural Studies Review 28, no. 2 (August 2016). Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow.
2016 “Politics of Experience: Aesthetics as a Promise of Emancipation in Jacques Rancière’s Theory.” Sensus Historiæ 22, no. 1 (2016). Oficyna Wydawnicza Epigram, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Date of residency: 08. 11. 2021 - 31. 12. 2021