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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Jacqueline van de Geer (NL / CA)

Born in the Netherlands and immigrated in 2005 to Canada, Jacqueline van de Geer (1958) is thrilled to be part of the Montreal eclectic art community. In her artist-practice, either if it is a visual work or a performance, she loves to create a space in which the audience is invited to participate. Intimacy and re- connection are the key words in her work, which aims to open up the collective experience. This can be happening in various settings, such as a gallery, a hotel-room, a closed corner of a hall, a tent or a performance space. Small props, songs, sounds, smells, pictures, clothes, souvenirs, postcards, drawings and personal stories and memories create an intimate level in order to establish a strong connection and communication with her participants. The goal is to transform the distance between the artist and spectator into an encounter where this distance will be finally resolved almost entirely, inviting both parties to be real and in the moment. This can happen either through a live performance or an interactive installation.

1993 Willem de Kooning Art Academy, Rotterdam,The Netherlands
1987 Theatre Academy, Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Selected Special Training:
Butoh (Diego Pinon, Martine Viale)
Creative Writing (Suzanna Cook, SplitBridges)
Performance (Sylvie Tourangeau, Lisa Marcus, Julie Tolentino)

Selected performances:
2022 A string- Festival RIPA, Montreal
2021 Confinement Rhapsody- No Hay Banda Festival, Montreal
2021 Beauty up high!- Festival Termites, Montreal
2021 Immer etwas zu wählen weil wir sind noch da!- Blauverschiebung Festival, Leipzig
2020 Feeling in the blanks- Art Souterrain, Montreal
2020 Hair, what remains...- ARC-gallery, Chicago
2020 Memories and borders- Xarkis festival, Cyprus

Selected exhibitions:
2021 Hysteria!- Galerie Helmut, Leipzig
2020 Possible lives- Galerie AVE, Montreal

The residency of Jacqueline van de Geer is the research of femicide and aims to develop a performance with the work title Furies.

Date of residency: 1.7. 2022 –30.8.2022