The study’s main focus
is the elements of painting / theory of colors, the painting’s composition, acrylicic
paint, combined techniques.
We prefer traditional
concept of the lessons / real life painting studies and free creation. In the
course of their studies the students get acquainted with the elementary techniques
and themes of painting / acrylic, oil. With the help of relaxing exercise and
color mixing we will arrive at the issue of the color space,
Color surface and mass. Free creation follows.
Drawing, imprimatur, underpainting, painting
alla prima, laminated painting. The choice of topics is proposed by the
tutor and discussed.
Painting / still life, landscape, head,
figure, interior, exterior, free creation
Copy / by means of
classical painting procedure _ oil on canvass, acrylic on canvass
The students use their
own utensils / as recommended by the tutor.
Price for one semester is 8.000 CZK. In case of two or more branches subjects
chosen a discount applies. Tutor
- Aldin Popaja,
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