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How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

MeetFAcademy School is

 _based on the essential fields every person intending to create needs. Mastering the drawing, conquering color and finding one’s direction in space is the very essence of all sorts directions of art. We cannot move any further in seeing and perceiving connections if we have not been well trained in the elementary disciplines, which is drawing, painting and sculpture.

_a meeting arena for meticulous efforts and art disputes in general as well as over one’s own creation. Our main focus is preparation of students for academy of visual art studies, we are open also for the general public wishing to attempt arts and crafts. Both preparation for academic studies and the public programs share the same thematic units, differing only in task definition and approach to solutions. Students of preparatory classes must meet higher requirements.

 _ lead by a selected group of professional artists and tutors, whom the students meet during regular lessons. The history of visual culture, as well as regular consultation hours to discuss the students’ free creation is part and parcel of the education. The consultations are run by leading artists on the Czech art scene, some of them being teachers at art academies. For each consultation we invite artists of different branches, such as – graphic design, statue, painting, stage design and more. The students are welcome to choose the consultation, which matters to them and suits well their selected branch of future study, or they may take part in all consultations offered. The basics of the study being the same, so are the consultations about art. 

 _ a professional workplace, where you will get acquainted with classic procedures in art / such as the preparation of the frame, scaffolding for the figure, nailing the head pin together, drawing plaster profiles, plaster casting, welding / up to contemporary technologies and materials / silicon, resin, epoxy, polyurethane, self-hardening modeling materials, sculpt clay etc. Workshops shall accompany the main subjects / own projects implementation.    

 The easel is black / the charcoal is black / your hands are black / just the paper is white …..