
How to get to us

MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 do 20:00 + based on evening program

Shapeshift Spaceship

Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Praha MeetFactory

26. 7. - 29. 9. 2024

The Shapeshift Spaceship project establishes the emancipatory artistic genre of transfuturism and shapes a science fiction vision of an interplanetary utopian queer future free from inequality, oppression and prejudice. The exhibition at the MeetFactory Gallery is the main outcome of a broadly speculative project, whose other chapters will include the release of a music compilation, an accompanying publication, and a music event/party at the MeetFactory in August. The author of the exhibition project and texts is interdisciplinary artist, curator and critic Šimon Kadlčák.

To look towards the light of new horizons is to dare to look first into the darkness.

"Shapeshift Spaceship is an intergalactic exploration of the terra incognita of categories at the boundaries of established gender and taxonomic norms. The invitation to leave the holy fathermother planet allows explorers to open their minds and hearts fully in the face of the unknown. Thus, observing the universe around us may have the potential to change the way we view the universe within ourselves. This makes the pioneers of transhumanism question whether things are really as they seem. The answers may vary – we are, after all, only at the beginning of the journey – but what is certain is that once we embark on it, we can no longer be who we were at the beginning.

The artists meeting in Shapeshift Spaceship – Alex Sihelsk*, Anthr0morph, Chin Tsao, El Pelele and Veronika Žilinská – together create the Museum of the Future, where evolved post-human beings morph freely across species, where fauna merges with flora, earthlings with extraterrestrials and biology with technology. Is a transfuturistic future awaiting us? And what message can we read from it about our present?"

Parallel to the Shapeshift Spaceship exhibition in the MeetFactory Gallery, the Kostka Gallery will host a solo exhibition project by Olbram Pavlíček called rigged CRASHTEST.

The opening on 25 July will include three performances by the exhibiting artists:

Anthr0morph feat. Oliver Torr: Anthr0morph Manifesto: Initiation
• El Pelele: Mis Canciones
Pope Sangreta

Afterparty dj sets by:
• hexflex

The event is free. 

Shapeshift Spaceship

26. 7. –29. 9. 2024
MeetFactory Gallery
Opening: 25. 7. 2024 

Artists: Alex Sihelsk*, Anthr0morph, Chin Tsao, El Pelele, Veronika Žilinská
Curator: Šimon Kadlčák
Production: Nikol Hoangová

100 CZK 
50 CZK students, seniors, ZTP 

For group discounts (over 10 people), guided tours of exhibitions or press accreditation, please contact  

>>> valid for MeetFactory Gallery and Kostka Gallery; available for purchase at the bar (cash and card payment possible)
>>> opening of exhibitions is free of charge


Opening hours:
Monday–Sunday 13:00–20:00